
Girl wears body paint and walks freely in public

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Girl wears paint and when she walks in public the reaction she got is amazing.


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In our life we try hard to get the ideal body and when we don’t it’s really hard to keep up with the rants. This girl had a life changing experience during her high school, while a musical program she had to wear a leotard. When she came to school next day she heard someone talking about her cellulite. This had a great impact on her life, so now she decided to walk around wearing just paint instead of clothes for one whole day. This helped her to regain the confidence in her body.

The experience of the high school deeply affected her self-confidence.


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It all began like this, white paint shirt and blue jeans with all the details.


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The final result of having the paint instead of clothes turned out amazing.


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After this she went out in the open to know that people will find out about it or not. and people got amazed after knowing that she was wearing paint instead of clothes.


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